Oreo Nutrition Facts

Oreo Nutrition facts are known for the excellent nutrition that it provides to its consumers. This delicious and healthy cookie has several benefits to offer to its users, which is the main reason why it is one of the most sought after cookies in the market. These amazing cookies were actually created by two brothers named Richard and James R. Oreo who started their food manufacturing business in 1830. They eventually changed their name to Oreo when they decided to change their business strategies. Ever since then, Oreo cookies have gained enormous popularity not only among children but also among adults. Today, these are popular among people of all ages because of their nutritional benefits and the fact that they are delicious as well.
One of the best oreo nutrition facts is the presence of vitamins and minerals. These are basically essential for ensuring a healthy lifestyle for everyone, especially those who have diets that are low in vitamin B. The use of this amazing biscuit will provide a daily value of 100 mcg of Vitamin B per serving, which is equivalent to Vitamin D, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Moreover, these biscuits contain no fats or carbohydrates, which means it is very low in calories.
One of the best properties of the Oreo cookies is the presence of fiber, which is a good source of fiber and helps you keep off constipation. Furthermore, since fiber absorbs water and moves it out of your body, it ensures that your intake of calories is reduced as well. Hence, with each serving of this wonderful cookie, you receive a daily dose of fiber.
In addition to providing its consumers with a lot of vitamins and minerals, an Oreo cookie is also loaded with protein. Protein plays an important role in maintaining good health because it aids in building muscles and keeping up metabolism. However, when you consume too much protein the downside is that it can be rather harmful to your health. If you have been consuming eggs for breakfast, you may want to adjust your diet a little bit because they have about 80 calories in a single egg. On the other hand, a cookie is better than an egg because it has no calories but contains all the necessary nutrients that help in keeping you healthy.
Another one of Oreo's nutrition facts
Another one of Oreo's nutrition facts is that these cookies first introduced in the US in 1954. It was initially manufactured in Germany but since its introduction, it gained international popularity. The cookies were initially sold in the form of cakes but later on, they were transformed into hard biscuits. They are famous not only for their delicious flavor but also for their unique and different flavor.
Today, these cookies have been a part of American diets for many years. Hence, one of the most commonly known Oreo nutrition facts is that the secret of how these amazing cookies were first introduced is a mystery. One theory says that the secret lies in America's obsession with bread and cinnamon. Thus, the original recipe was based on combining all three of these things, namely bread, cinnamon, and sugar to form a perfect combination.
Another great Oreo nutrition facts tell us that they contain more fiber than any other type of cookie in the market. Fiber helps in reducing cholesterol levels and thus helps in keeping you fit and trim. They are also rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E which help in improving vision and immunity as well. Apart from fiber, Oreo cookie's nutrition facts also contain antioxidants that help in preventing the skin from aging.
The best way to enjoy the Oreo nutrition facts biscuits is to eat them without any guilt! Although they are high in fiber, you can also eat them with fruits or with a cup of tea. However, avoid chocolates or other sweet snacks! Enjoy!